Thursday, February 26, 2009

New Report On Children and AIDS

More than 25 years into the global AIDS crisis, the epidemic continues to worsen in almost every statistical category. Many on the frontlines are beginning to rethink their approach, with the growing realization that children are the key in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Children orphaned and/or impoverished by AIDS are being driven into the same lifestyles that took the lives of their parents: prostitution, promiscuous sex, drug abuse, and other risky behaviors.

This new report, based on a two year long study, confirms what the Bible has taught us for centuries: that if we don't take care of our orphans, evil will befall us (Isaiah 1, Jeremiah 5, Malachi 3). Consider that a third of AIDS orphans contemplate suicide within the first year after their parent's death, or that more than 60% of children in South Africa live in poverty, or that one in every five South African children is an orphan. These children are the key, not only for the future of the battle against AIDS, but for the future victory of the Kingdom of God here in Africa. Let's hope more people see the light. And the Light.